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Maritime Centre and Tropical Aquarium, Fehmarn
Gertrudenthaler Str. 12
23769  Burg auf Fehmarn

Fax: 04371/87679
E-Mail: service@mega-meereswelten.de

Opening Hours

April-Oct. daily 10 am – 7 pm
Nov.-March daily 10 am – 6 pm (except 24.12. and 1.1.)

In the Meereszentrum Fehmarn the visitor can see more than 1.000 tropical marine creatures in more than 40 display aquariums. There are over 20 sharks. A 10 m-long plexiglass tunnel leads through the shark basin, so that the sharks are swimming directly above the heads of the visitors. With a capacity of 400.000 litres the shark tank is the largest in Germany. Many other themed aquariums and the 70.000-litres-panorama aquarium take the visitor on a journey into the amazing world of tropical coral reefs with their colourful inhabitants.