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Brahms Institute
Jerusalemberg 4
23568  Lübeck

Fax: 0451/1505-423
E-Mail: Brahms-Institut@mh-luebeck.de

Opening Hours

Wed 2-6 pm, Sat 2-6 pm

The ‘Brahms Institute an der Musikhochschule Lübeck“ (Brahms Institute at Lübeck College of Music) was founded in 1990 with the purchase of the world-wide largest private Brahms collection of Kurt and Renate Hofmann. The institute is located in the Villa Eschenburg on the Jerusalemsberg in Lübeck since 2002. In addition to Johannes Brahms it also concentrates on Robert and Clara Schumann, Theodor Kirchner and Joseph Joachim. Furthermore it deals with interpreters and composers who were acquainted with Johannes Brahms as well but are almost forgotten today. These are: Theodor Avé-Lallemant, Richard Barth, Carl Georg Peter Grädener, Hermann Grädener, Richard Heuberger and Julius Spengel. Therefore the collection documents an important part of the German-Austrian history of music of the second half of the 19th century. The North German area with its centre in Hamburg is especially well represented.