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Science Museum
Museumsberg 1
24937  Flensburg

Fax: 0461/852993 (bitte mit Vermerk: Naturw. Museum)
E-Mail: naturwissenschaftliches-museum@flensburg.de

Opening Hours

April-Oct. Tue-Sun 10 am – 5 pm
Nov.-March Tue-Sun 10 am – 4 pm

limited opening hours: 11:30 am – 5 pm

In the 'Naturwissenschaftliche Museum' (Natural History Museum) in Flensburg animals, plants, fossils and rocks from Northern Schleswig-Holstein are presented. The new exhibition in the Sauermannhaus on the Museumsberg explains the development and importance of characteristic landscapes of the area including the Baltic Sea.
New and old ways of presentation are to be found side by side in the 6 large exhibition rooms. In this way the tradition of the museum, which goes back to 1925, is continued intentionally.
”Strokeable” animals in the exhibition as well as sheets for handcraft, painting and guessing invite especially children to an interesting and exciting visit in the museum.