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NABU-Wasservogelreservat Wallnau
Wallnau 1
23769  Fehmarn

Fax: 04372/14 45
E-Mail: mail@NABU-Wallnau.de

Opening Hours

April-Sept. 11 am – 5 pm, Oct.-March 11 am –3.30 pm as well as groups by appointment

The “Wasservogelreservat Wallnau” (Wallnau waterfowl reserve) is situated on the west coast of Fehmarn. It is considered to be one of the most important and most interesting regions along the Baltic coast. It includes large protected areas for the local flora and fauna and for migratory birds.
The information centre conveys a first impression of the fauna and flora in Wallnau. At the centre a nature trail starts which leads the visitor through the visitors’ area of the nature reserve. Past a frog pond, a bird clock and a wild bee garden you reach an observation hut. Unnoticed by the birds, you can watch the family life of e.g. ringed plovers or greylag geese. You can experience nature with all your senses on the nature trail.
Lectures and guided tours by the NABU (nature conservation association) complete the comprehensive offer to experience nature as closely as possible.