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North Friesland Shipping Museum
Am Zingel 15
25813  Husum

Fax: 04841/880 299
E-Mail: schiffahrtsmuseum-nf@t-online.de

Opening Hours

Daily 10 am – 5 pm

Providing information on the historical context as well, a diverse, interesting collection of maritime exhibits is presented in the museum premises. Especially noteworthy is the wreck of a barge that ran ashore around 1600. A multitude of model ships brings to life the history of seafaring from former times up to nowadays. Explanations concerning the exhibition topics are provided in four languages in each room, namely in German, Danish, English and French.
The open-air exhibition ground with the buoy tender „Hildegard“, the rescue boat „Eltje“ of the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service (DgzRS) and a lighthouse is well worth seeing as well.