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Museum on the Sea at Büsum Harbour
Am Fischereihafen 19
25761  Büsum

Fax: 04834/960639
E-Mail: museum@museum-am-meer.de

Opening Hours

01 March 2017 - 05 November 2017

Mon-Fri 11 am-5pm
Sat. 1 pm-5 pm
Sundays and holidays 11 am - 5 pm
Additionally at full moon nights from 7.30 pm
26 December 2017- 14 January 2018, 11 am - 4 pm

The museum provides the visitor with information on shrimp fishing and processing and offers insight in a modern shrimp screening installation. A second section deals with the more than 100-year-old mud-flat-running accompanied by music, bathing life, special cure treatments and a guest room of the 1960ies with films, acoustic and interactive elements.