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Schwesing Concentration Camp Memorial
Engelsburg 10
25813  Schwesing

Fax: 04841/8973111
E-Mail: stiftung@nordfriesland.de

Opening Hours

The former site of the concentration camp is accessible anytime

The Nordfriesland district has been the responsible body for this memorial to victims of the Schwesing concentration camp near Husum since 1987. This camp was a branch of the Neuengamme concentration camp near Hamburg. 2.500 people from 14 countries were imprisoned here in autumn 1944. More than 300 died because of forced labour, malnutrition and ill-treatment.
An additional plot of land was purchased in summer 1994 and added to the site of the memorial. Prisoners were once tortured there. Today the foundations of the former toilet barracks can still be seen there. In 2017 the extension of the memorial was completed, including an information area, and the Haus der Gegenwart and a multilingual outdoor exhibition were inaugurated.