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Museum für Outsiderkunst
Stadtweg 57
24837  Schleswig

E-Mail: stadtmuseum@schleswig.de

Opening Hours

Wed - Fri 2.30-5.30 p.m.

Joh. Adolf Kielmann von Kielmannseck, who was chancellor in Gottorf and later on chairman of the regional council, had the building in Stadtweg 57, the so-called 'Präsidentenkloster' (President's cloister) erected as a poorhouse in 1656. According to the foundation charter of 1663 the twelve chambers were meant for five women and five men as well as for two servants of the Kielmann family in case they were in need of care.
In 1931 the town of Schleswig took over the home and had the building, which had almost not been changed up to then, modernized.
The 'Kreisverband der vertriebenen Deutschen' (regional association of German refugees) opened a small local history museum in the Eastern wing of the 'Präsidentenkloster' in 1975. After the last residents had moved out of the Western wing this part was restored in its historical floor plan. In addition, it was repaired for a use as a branch of the 'Städtische Museum Schleswig' (Schleswig town museum) with the aid of Schleswig-Holstein state and private sponsors in 1995. This branch is to present the artistic creativity of people who belonged to an area on the fringes of society. The museum of outsider art is in common responsibility of Schleswig town and the 'Fachklinik Schleswig' (Schleswig specialist hospital).
Since July 2005 an artothek offers the possibility to deal intensively with outsider art which is unique in Germany.